Mr Pseudo
i have encountered a little issue . i am having problems .
i want to use the 0PE's XP or 2K3 install module only .but i Dont want to use the SRS option , i only want to use the Last D option here,
firadisk , winvblock etc
i know it is loaded from the MENUSRS.LST . but i dont know how to edit the D command to skip the SRS selection . because when i select the D point to choose firadisk , after that , the setup again shows the same window and ask me to choose any zip driver file , is it possible that i edit MENUSRS.LST to automatically boot into D point, i select 1 for example for firadisk x86 , and the setup continue booting the WIN$.ISO for me and the installation begins ?
i tried to edit the MENUSRS.LST by following , but FAILED :(
title [D] FiraDiskµÈ32/64λÇл» FiraDisk/WVBlk/WDsys \n ¿ÉÑ¡ÔñÒÔÏÂÇý¶¯Ö®Ò»£º\n 32λFiraDisk¡¢64λFiraDisk¡¢32λWinVBlk¡¢64λWinVBlk¡¢32λWDsys¡£\n ĬÈÏʹÓÃ32λFiraDisk¡£
pause --wait=0 1-FiraDisk_x86 2-FiraDisk_amd64 3-WinVBlk_x86 4-WinVBlk_amd64 5-WDsys_x86
pause --wait=0 Please input a number or press Enter to use 1-FiraDisk_x86 as default.
(hd-1,0)/BIN/WENV set fira=$u,$input,Input a number here:
(hd-1,0)/BIN/WENV get fira || (hd-1,0)/BIN/WENV set fira=1 && pause --wait=0 Now use 1-FiraDisk_x86 as default.
write 0x60000 0
(hd-1,0)/BIN/WENV run write 0x60000 ${fira}
checkrange 1:5 read 0x60000 || pause --wait=0 && (hd-1,0)/BIN/WENV run pause --wait=0 The input "${fira}" is invalid. Try again. && fallback --go 21
cat --length=0 (hd-1,0)/WXPE/SYSTEM32/DRIVERS/FIRADISK.SY_ && (hd-1,0)/BIN/FAT del (hd-1,0)/WXPE/SYSTEM32/DRIVERS/FIRADISK.SY_
checkrange 1 read 0x60000 && (hd-1,0)/BIN/FAT copy (hd-1,0)/WXPE/SYSTEM32/DRIVERS/FIRADI32.SY_ (hd-1,0)/WXPE/SYSTEM32/DRIVERS/FIRADISK.SY_
checkrange 2 read 0x60000 && (hd-1,0)/BIN/FAT copy (hd-1,0)/WXPE/SYSTEM32/DRIVERS/FIRADI64.SY_ (hd-1,0)/WXPE/SYSTEM32/DRIVERS/FIRADISK.SY_
checkrange 3 read 0x60000 && (hd-1,0)/BIN/FAT copy (hd-1,0)/WXPE/SYSTEM32/DRIVERS/WVBLK32.SY_ (hd-1,0)/WXPE/SYSTEM32/DRIVERS/FIRADISK.SY_
checkrange 4 read 0x60000 && (hd-1,0)/BIN/FAT copy (hd-1,0)/WXPE/SYSTEM32/DRIVERS/WVBLK64.SY_ (hd-1,0)/WXPE/SYSTEM32/DRIVERS/FIRADISK.SY_
checkrange 5 read 0x60000 && (hd-1,0)/BIN/FAT copy (hd-1,0)/WXPE/SYSTEM32/DRIVERS/WDSYS.SY_ (hd-1,0)/WXPE/SYSTEM32/DRIVERS/FIRADISK.SY_
(hd-1,0)/BIN/WENV run pause You have selected "${fira}". Press any key to continue...
kernel && GOTO 23
checkrange 1 read 0x60100 && write 0x60068 1
#(hd-1,0)/BIN/WENV run cat --locate="set srs=/" --replace="set srs=${srs}\n" (hd-1,0)/BAT/M.LST
pause --wait=0 && configfile (hd-1,0)/BAT/M.LST
checkrange 1 read 0x60100 && write 0x60068 3
#(hd-1,0)/BIN/WENV run cat --locate="set srs=/" --replace="set srs=${srs}\n" (hd-1,0)/BAT/M.LST
pause --wait=0 && configfile (hd-1,0)/BAT/M.LST
thank you so much for listening .
Maanu from Pakistan
[ 本帖最后由 maanu 于 2010-7-16 04:40 编辑 ] |