原帖由 lookskyoo 于 2008-3-27 03:10 PM 发表 
; ****************************************************************************
; ************************************************** ...
d1 = "NVIDIA RAID DRIVER (SCSI)",\disk1,\
; This section lists the default selection for each 'required'
; hardware component. If a line is not present for a component,
; the default defaults to the first item in the [<component_name>]
; section (see below).
; <component_name> is one of computer, display, keyboard, mouse, scsi
; <id> is a unique <within the component> string to be associated
; with an option.
scsi = BUSDRV
; This section lists the options available for a particular component.
; <id> is the unique string for the option
; <description> is a text string, presented to the user in a menu
; <key_name> gives the name of the key to be created for the component in
; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlSet001\Services
BUSDRV = "NVIDIA nForce Storage Controller (required)"
; This section lists the files that should be copied if the user
; selects a particular component option.
; <file_type> is one of driver, port, class, dll, hal, inf, or detect.
; See below.
; <source_disk> identifies where the file is to be copied from, and must
; match en entry in the [Disks] section.
; <filename> is the name of the file. This will be appended to the
; directory specified for the disk in the [Disks] section to form the
; full path of the file on the disk.
; <driverkey> this is the name that will show under the services\driver key
; this should be the same name as the driver that is being installed.
driver = d1,nvraid.sys,RAIDCLASS
inf = d1,nvraid.inf
dll = d1,nvraidco.dll
catalog = d1,nvraid.cat
driver = d1,nvatabus.sys,BUSDRV
inf = d1, nvraid.inf
dll = d1,idecoi.dll
catalog = d1, nvraid.cat
; This section specifies values to be set in the registry for
; particular component options. Required values in the services\xxx
; key are created automatically -- use this section to specify additional
; keys to be created in services\xxx and values in services\xxx and
; services\xxx\yyy.
; This section must be filled out for storage controllers that
; are PNP adapters like PCI and ISA PNP adapters. Failure to do this
; can cause the driver to fail to load. Must also add the section
; [HardwareIds.scsi.ID] to identify the supported ID's.
; <value_name> specifies the value to be set within the key
; <value_type> is a string like REG_DWORD. See below.
; <value> specifies the actual value; its format depends on <value_type>
; A HardwareIds.scsi.Service section specifies the hardware IDs of
; the devices that a particular mass-storage driver supports.
; [HardwareIds.scsi.Service]
; id = "deviceID","service"
; HardwareIds.scsi.Service
; Service specifies the service to be installed.
; <deviceId > Specifies the device ID for a mass-storage device.
; <service > Specifies the service to be installed for the device.
;The following example excerpt shows a HardwareIds.scsi.Service section for a disk device:
id = "GenNvRaidDisk","nvraid"
id = "*_NVRAIDBUS","nvraid"
id = "*NVRAIDBUS","nvraid"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_008E", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00D5", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00EE", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00E3", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0036", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_003E", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0054", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0055", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0266", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0267", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_036F", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_037E", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_037F", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03F6", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03F7", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03E7", "nvatabus"
title winxp_cd
map --mem (fd0)/BOOT/GRUB/DISK.IMG (fd1)
cdrom --init
map --hook
chainloader (cd0)
其中 disk.img里的文件有:
从U盘启动, 安装winxp(32位)(我的XP是原版,版本係5.1.2600.0000,无集成任何驱动),加载SCSI驱动(NVIDIA nForce Storage Controller),我的主板北桥是nVIDIA nForce4 , 硬盘係sata 320G,安装时,不按f6,结果还是认不了硬盘.
lookskyoo ,你用XP版本是番茄花园3.0里面的原版XP,是不是已经集成了驱动了(可能番茄版的光盘里面已经存在驱动了,虽然是选了原版安装,但它有可能从光盘找到驱动).你试过不用虚拟fd1这个方法,而是直接从光盘启动,能安装成功吗? |