I know this is very special. Maybe its useful for some people. You have to configure the plpbt.bin with [83]plpcfgbt to use int19h instead of booting the operating system.
plpcfgbt int19h=on plpbt.bin
Now you have to start plpbt.bin with a boot manager like grub, syslinux or what ever during boot time (supported boot managers see[84]here). Choose USB and the boot manager will install the usb driver and go back to your boot manager. If you start DOS you will have access to your usb drive as last harddisk. But remember, the usbdrive is only as "read only" device available.
If it works for you then use plpcfgbt int19h=on stm=hidden cnt=on cntval=1 dbt=usb plpbt.bin
To disable the usb driver from DOS see [85]plpdisd
plpcfgbt int19h=on plpbt.bin
现在你必须在启动电脑时用grub, syslinux或其他启动管理工具加载plpbt.bin(所支持的启动管理工具列表请看[84])。选择USB设备,紧接着启动管理器会安装USB驱动,然后再返回到你的启动管理器。如果启动的是DOS,你的U盘会被当做最末尾的一块硬盘来访问。切记:U盘此时是“只读”的。
如果上述方法对你有用的话,不妨用plpcfgbt int19h=on stm=hidden cnt=on cntval=1 dbt=usb plpbt.bin试试。
今天也试用了另一种方法——把U盘格式化成dos7.1启动盘,在DOS下先用松下的USBASPI.SYS驱动USB,再用Avldrng从DOS系统转到ntldr引导的RamXP. 在虚拟机里因为我的U盘是认作SCSI硬盘的,所以USB2.0驱动无效,不过可以启动到RamXP。实机测试能正确加载USBASPI.SYS,但之后就跳出一个出错画面说U盘里的COMMAND.COM损坏(其实此文件没问题)。
[ 本帖最后由 leonliao78 于 2009-7-10 15:41 编辑 ] |