本帖最后由 yfwang0798 于 2022-6-2 11:19 编辑
https://www.techrepublic.com/for ... /xcopy-limitations/
路径长度超过 规定字符,缩短路径长度再试试 或者直接用鼠标操作,看能否 复制成功
Although XCOPY command is better than Copy command, it has some limitations:
When the length of the path plus file name exceeds 254 characters and moves a large file without the “/J” option (only available after Server 2008R2), the XCOPY command fails and displays an “out of memory” error, which consumes all available RAM on the system.
XCOPY cannot be used to back up real-time operating system volumes.
XCOPY cannot copy open files.