发表于 2022-1-12 20:47:24
20:46:11 Start of Snapshot 1.49.19042 [Jan 4 2022] at 2022/1/12
20:46:11 Running on Windows 10 64-bit Version 1809 (17763)
20:46:11 Memory Info: Total: 4008Mb, Free: 1870Mb, Pagefile total: 4136Mb, Pagefile free: 2150Mb
20:46:11 Command line: "D:\Snapshot简易汉化\snapshot64.exe"
20:46:11 Disks in backup:
20:46:11 C: -> D:\LTSC20191.SNA
20:46:11 ***********************************************************
20:46:11 Snapshot error instdrv, line 427
20:46:11 The driver (C:\Windows\system32\drivers\SNAPSHOD0.sys) could not be started because it is not signed.
If you are using Windows 7 or Server 2008 you may have to install KB3033929.
20:46:11 last Windows Error: 241-Windows 无法验证此文件的数字签名。某软件或硬件最近有所更改,可能安装了签名错误或损毁的文件,或者安装的文件可能是来路不明的恶意软件。
20:46:35 ***********************************************************
20:46:35 ***********************************************************
20:46:35 Snapshot error NTCOPY, line 6277
20:46:35 can't load the required device driver
20:46:35 last Windows Error: 1-函数不正确。
20:46:36 ***********************************************************
20:46:36 ***********************************************************
20:46:36 Snapshot error WINSHOT, line 3086
20:46:36 Cannot load the required driver
20:46:36 last Windows Error: 7f-找不到指定的程序。
20:46:37 *********************************************************** |