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发表于 2006-4-6 15:01:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-6 15:16:23 | 只看该作者


移到这儿了,感谢!  哪位兄弟能赐教

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-6 16:33:57 | 只看该作者


   而网上下的,打开后就是两个文件夹及一些小程序. 不知压缩时还要加什么参数?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-6 20:00:52 | 只看该作者


直接运行 arj 或者 arj /?,你就会看到 arj 的帮助了,如果你的 E 文过关的话,应该能够看得懂。如果不行,网上有一些向导式运行 arj 的工具,自己 google 一下,应该会有的

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-8 13:46:21 | 只看该作者


google 一下,应该会有的

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-11 15:36:44 | 只看该作者


   而网上下的,打开后就是两个文件夹及一些小程序. 不知压缩时还要加什么参数?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-11 16:15:09 | 只看该作者


ARJ 2.41a Copyright (c) 1990-93 Robert K Jung. Jul 10 1993
Registered to [Philip Ng R#0000]
Example ARJ commands:
  Add files minus directory structure:        ARJ a -e archive *.*
  Add two files to archive:                   ARJ a archive name1 name2
  Add files to archive with verification:     ARJ a -jt archive *.*
  Add files with maximum compression:         ARJ a -jm archive *.*
  Comment archive header only:                ARJ c archive -zcmt.fil
  Strip archive comment only:                 ARJ c archive -zNUL
  Extract files from archive:                 ARJ e archive
  Extract maintaining directory structure:    ARJ x archive
  Extract new and newer files without query:  ARJ e archive -u -y
  Extract subdirectory from archive:          ARJ e archive subdir\*.* -p1
  List files in archive:                      ARJ l archive
  Move files to archive:                      ARJ m archive *.doc
  Move files from archive:                    ARJ e -d archive *.doc
  Test integrity of files in archive:         ARJ t archive
  Add files to a multiple volume archive:     ARJ a -va a:archive *.*
  Create up to 999 archive volumes:           ARJ a -va a:archive.001
  Extract from a multiple volume archive:     ARJ x -v a:archive
  Convert archive to self-extractor:          ARJ y -je1 archive
More detailed ARJ information:
Usage:  ARJ <command> [{/|-}<switch>[-|+|<option>]...] <archive_name>[.ARJ]
            [<base_directory_name>\] [<!list_name>|<path_name>|<wild_name>...]
  a: Add files to archive                n: reName files in archive
  b: execute Batch or dos command        o: Order files in archive
  c: Comment archive files               p: Print files to standard output
  d: Delete files from archive           r: Remove paths from filenames
  e: Extract files from archive          s: Sample files to screen with pause
  f: Freshen files in archive            t: Test integrity of archive
  g: Garble files in archive             u: Update files to archive
  i: check Integrity of ARJ.EXE          v: Verbosely list contents of archive
  j: Join archives to archive            w: Where are text strings in archive
  k: remove bacKup files in archive      x: eXtract files with full pathname
  l: List contents of archive            y: copY archive with new options
  m: Move files to archive
<Main defaults>
  Save path information in archive
  Don';t save drive and root in path information
  Don';t display comment ANSI sequences
  Prompt before overwriting output files
  Use method 1 compression
  Use binary mode
  Use ! as list file symbol
<User prompt responses>
  Yes     - yes
  No      - no
  Quit    - abort out of ARJ
  Always  - always assume yes for current type of query
  Skip    - always assume no for current type of query
  Global  - always assume yes for all queries except diskette volume prompts
  Command - prompt for and execute one DOS command
  -: disables switch char                p: match using full Pathnames
  +: inhibits ARJ_SW usage              p1: match Pathname with subdirs
  !: sets list char (!)                  q: Query on each file
  &: set batch critical error handler    r: Recurse subdirectories
  &#35;: select files by number              s: set archive time-Stamp to newest
  &#36;: add/extract volume label           s1: save original time-Stamp
     &#36;A: add/extract label to drive A   s2: set archive time-Stamp
  a: allow any file Attribute            t: set file Type (default 0)
a1: any files and directories              t0: set binary file type
  b: Backup changed files                   t1: set C text file type
b1: Backup + reset archive bits            t1f: force C text file type
b2: Only reset archive bits                t1g: set C text with graphics
b3: do not restore archive bit set      u: Update files (new + newer)
  c: skip time-stamp Check               v: enable multiple Volumes
  d: Delete added files                     v360:  build 362000 byte volumes
     asks permission before deleting        v50K:  build 50000 byte volumes
  e: Exclude paths from names               va:    auto-detect space available
e1: Exclude base dir from names            vr50K: reserve 50000 bytes of
  f: Freshen existing files                        space on first volume
  g: Garble with password                   vs:    provide DOS command prompt
     gstew: garble with password stew       vsCMD: execute CMD before each vol
     g?: prompt for password                vv:    beep between volumes
  i: show no progress Indicator             vw:    keep Whole files in volumes
i1: show bar graph Indicator               vz:    provide command with no echo
i2: show percentage and bar graph          v360,v720,v1200,v1440: abbrevs
  k: Keep a .BAK of ARJ archive             Volume options may be in any order
  l: create List_name file                  except s and z which must be last
     lNAMES.LST: create NAMES.LST        w: assign Work directory
  m: with Method 0, 1, 2, 3, 4              wTMP: use TMP as work directory
     m0: store (no compression)          x: eXclude selected files
     m1: good compression (default)         x*.EXE: exclude *.EXE files
     m2: less memory and compression        x!NAMES: exclude files in NAMES
     m3: FAST! less compression             multiple exclusions are allowed
     m4: FASTEST! least compression      y: assume Yes on all queries except
  n: only New files (not exist)             diskette volume prompts
  o: On or after YYMMDDHHMMSS               Use this switch for batch mode
     o:       on today                   z: supply archive comment file
     o901225: on/after 12/25/90             zARC.CMT: use ARC.CMT for comments
ob: Before YYMMDDHHMMSS                    zNUL: use to strip comments
     ob:       before today
     ob901225: before 12/25/90
od: no older than N Days
     od5: five or less days old
<Shifted switches>
ha: ignore readonly Attribute          hs: disable file Sharing
hc: execute DOS Command at ARJ start   hu: allow Update of volume archives
     hcCLS: execute CLS                 hw: scroll save search filename display
he: skip test of security Envelope    hw1: display only filenames with matches
he1: set error on security Envelope     hx: set default archive extensions
hi: detailed display in Index files        hx.arj.sdn
hl: return error for Listfile error
ja: show ANSI comments                 jq: set string parameter
ja1: inhibit the display of comments        jqstring: set parameter to string
jb: Set backup archive type            jr: Recover broken archive files
jb1: Reset backup archive type         jr1: Recover badly broken archive files
jb2: Unmark backup file                 js: Store archives by suffix
jb3: Mark file as a backup file             default is arj,arc,lzh,pak,zip
jc: exit after Count of files              js.zoo.lzh: store .zoo,.lzh files
     jc5: exit after 5 files            jt: Test temporary archive by CRC
     jc nam1 nam2: exit after 2 files  jt1: Test CRC and file contents
jd: ensure free Disk space            jt2: Test only added file contents
     e -jd50K: skip file if<50000 free  ju: translate UNIX style paths
     l -jd1000: set error if<1000 free  jv: set Verbose display
je: create self-extract archive       jv1: set special verbose list mode
je1: create SFXJR archive               jw: set extract output filename
jf: store/use Full specified path          jwNEW.FIL: output to NEW.FIL
jf1: store/use path minus drive         jx: start at eXtended position
jg: select backup files                    jx10000: start at position 10000
jg1: select only backup files           jy: suppress queries assuming Yes
jh: set Huffman buffer size             a - skip append query
     jh65535: set to 65535 bytes (max)   c - skip create directory query
     jh2048: set to 2048 bytes (min)     d - skip delete files query
ji: create Index file                   k - skip disk space available query
     jiINDEX.FIL: create INDEX.FIL       n - skip new filename prompt
jk: Keep temp archive on error          o - skip overwrite existing file query
jl: display only filespecs              r - erase all type-ahead before query
jm: set Maximum compression mode        s - skip scanned enough text query
jm1: set faster Maximum compression      v - skip proceed to next volume query
jn: restart volumes at fileName         y - accept single character Y/N/A/Q
     jnBIN\X.COM: restart at BIN\X.COM   jycny: skip create, new name queries
     jn: get restart information from           in single character input mode
     previously written index file      jz: supply file for file comment
jo: query when updating archive file       jzFIL.CMT: use FIL.CMT for comments
jo: extract to unique Output names         jzNUL: use to strip file comments
jp: Pause after each screenful
     jp50: pause, set page size to 50
Environment variable setting:
  set arj_sw=-jyry -jv -i1
  set arj_sw=c:\arj.cfg
ARJ file compression archiver utility.  Copyright (c) 1990-93 Robert K Jung.
All Rights Reserved.
ARJ is dedicated to God and to my family.
ARJ License Policy:
The author disclaims all warranties as to this software, whether express or
implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the accompanying
documentation for further disclaimers and information.
ARJ is a shareware product and its use in a business, commercial, government,
or institutional environment requires registration.  The inclusion of the ARJ
software (ARJ, DEARJ, ARJSFX, ARJSFXJR) as part of a software and/or hardware
package to be distributed always requires a special distribution license.
Registration of ARJ for personal (not at the office) internal use is NOT
required; however, if you find ARJ useful, you are encouraged to register.
The fee for a single registration of ARJ is &#36;40 (USA).  Business, commercial,
government, and institutional ARJ users are allowed a free 30 day period for
the evaluation of ARJ.  For more information concerning ARJ, see the
accompanying documentation or contact:
  ARJ Software                    Internet address : robjung@world.std.com
  Robert and Susan Jung           CompuServe userid: 72077,445
  2606 Village Road West
  Norwood, Massachusetts 02062

D:\????\????>arj a test.arj 21.bat test\*.* test2\*.*
ARJ 2.41a Copyright (c) 1990-93 Robert K Jung. Jul 10 1993
Registered to [Philip Ng R&#35;0000]
Updating archive  : TEST.ARJ
Archive created: 2006-04-11 16:03:36, modified: 2006-04-11 16:03:54
Replacing 21.BAT          89.1%
Replacing TEST\08149F~1.BAT            91.1%
Adding    TEST2\08149F~1.BAT           91.1%
    3 file(s)

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-11 16:16:59 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-12 09:20:56 | 只看该作者


arj a test.arj 21.bat test\*.* test2\*.*

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-12 15:13:41 | 只看该作者


下面引用由我是神仙2006/04/11 04:15pm 发表的内容:
ARJ 2.41a Copyright (c) 1990-93 Robert K Jung. Jul 10 1993
Registered to Example ARJ commands:
  Add files minus directory structure:        ARJ a -e archive *.*
  Add two files to archive:        ...
2.41 版的 arj 是不支持长文件名的,用 2.6 以上的吧

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-13 09:41:07 | 只看该作者


REM ARJ program to fully backup a drive to another drive
REM This program assumes that there is work space available on the hard drive
if "%1" == "" goto param_err
if "%2" == "" goto param_err
ARJ a -a1 -b2 -m3 -r -vvas -w%1:\ -ji%1:\backup.inx -js -jt -hk %2:\backup %1:\
goto end
REM Usage: ARJBACK hard_drive_letter diskette_drive_letter

REM ARJ program to incrementally backup one drive to another drive
REM This program assumes that there is work space available on the hard drive
if "%1" == "" goto param_err
if "%2" == "" goto param_err
ARJ a -a1 -b1 -m3 -r -vvas -w%1:\ -ji%1:\backup.inx -js -jt -hk %2:\backup %1:\
goto end
REM Usage: ARJINCR hard_drive_letter diskette_drive_letter

REM ARJ program to restore archives on a drive to another drive overwriting
if "%1" == "" goto param_err
if "%2" == "" goto param_err
ARJ x -vv -y %1:backup %2:\
goto end
REM Usage: ARJREST diskette_drive_letter hard_drive_letter

REM This program will build an encrypted self-extracting archive
REM This is an example batch file
if "%2" == "" goto param_error
if exist %1.arj goto exist_error
if exist %1.exe goto exist_error
if not exist ARJCRYPT.COM goto param_error
ARJ y %1 -je -v
goto end
REM Usage: BUILDSFX sfx_name password
REM Sfx_name and password must not contain any spaces.
REM ARJCRYPT.COM must be in the current directory.
REM The files to be encrypted must be in the current directory.
goto end
REM The file(s) %1.arj and/or %1.exe already exist.
goto end

将.zip 或.lzh 文件转换为.arj文件
REM REARJ program to convert ZIP, LZH archives on C: hard disk to ARJ format
REM You should have a backup of your hard disk before running this program
REM This program converts the archives to ARJ format deleting the originals.
REM It also checks for viruses assuming you have SCAN.
REARJ C:\*.ZIP C:\*.LZH /r /v /d /a* /u /lC:\REARJ.LOG

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-28 10:05:29 | 只看该作者


命令:arj a -r cytw command
cytw 是生成的文件名(cytw.arj),command(要压制的目录)

Flash: http://cytw.01www.com/mdi/cytw.swf

使用道具 举报

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