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C:\Program Files\Primo Ramdisk>rxprd.exe
Primo Ramdisk Unknown Edition Commander Version 6.2.0
Copyright (C) Romex Software. All rights reserved.
Usage: rxprd.exe <command> [<option>...]
<command> Specifies a Primo Ramdisk command (see command list below).
<option>... One or more options that modify a command.
The following conventions are used in the command line:
Expressions surrounded by angle brackets (<>) are required.
Expressions surrounded by square brackets ([]) are optional.
Commands are case insensitive, but options are case sensitive.
Command List
ls Lists all virtual disks.
add Creates a new virtual disk.
del Removes a virtual disk.
view Displays the settings and status of a virtual disk.
edit Changes the settings of a virtual disk.
rebuild Recreates the disk with new settings.
init Reinitializes a virtual disk.
save Saves the disk contents to an image file.
export Exports the disk settings as a disk descriptor file.
im Manages the Invisible Memory.
mem Displays current system memory information.
ver Displays version and license information.
? Displays help messages.
For detailed command and option information, type: rxprd.exe ? <command>. For ex
to display detailed information about the add command, type:
rxprd.exe ? add
C:\Program Files\Primo Ramdisk>
C:\Program Files\Primo Ramdisk>rxprd.exe ? add
Primo Ramdisk Add Command
Creates a new virtual disk.
rxprd.exe add [-n <disksize>] [-t <disktype>] [-d <letter>] [-v]
[-m[=<mode>]] [-i[=<quota>]] [-p <file>[?<size>]]
[-f <filesys>] [-c <clussize>] [-l <label>] [-X] [-N]
[-Q <permission>] [-T] [-r <folders>] [-z <volsn>]
[-I <file> [-L] [-D] [-F <format>] [-K <intval>]]
Basic Options
-n, -size <disksize> - Specifies the disk size in megabytes (MB).
If not specified, 128 is the default.
-t, -type <disktype> - Specifies the disk type. <disktype> can be
one of SCSI or DIO.
If not specified, SCSI is the default.
-d, -drive <letter> - Assigns a drive letter to the new volume.
If not specified, the last available drive
letter is assigned.
-v, -volatile - Sets the new disk as a temporary disk. The
disk will disappear at the next computer boot.
Component Options
-m, -dmm[=<mode>] - Enables Dynamic Memory Management (DMM)
feature. <mode> can be one of COMPACT and
COMPACT - enables Compact Mode
NORMAL - disables Compact Mode
<mode> is optional, and if not specified,
NORMAL is the default.
-i, -im[=<quota>] - Uses Invisible Memory to constitute the disk.
<quota> specifies the maximum amount of
Invisible Memory, in megabytes (MB), that can
be used for this new disk. <quota> is optional,
and if not specified all available Invisible
Memory can be used.
-p, -pd <file>[?<size>] - Uses physical drive to constitute the disk.
<file> specifies the file name including the
full path. <size> specifies the amount of
physical drive space, in megabytes (MB), used
for this virtual disk. <size> is optional,
and if not specified it equals to <disksize>.
File System Options
-f, -fs <filesys> - Specifies the type of file system. <filesys>
can be NTFS, FAT, FAT32 or exFAT.
If not specified, FAT32 is the default.
-c, -clus <clussize> - Overrides the default allocation unit (cluster)
size. <clussize> can be one of the following:
512, 1KB, 2KB, 4KB, 8KB, 16KB, 32KB, 64KB,
128KB, 256KB, or 512KB.
Note: Minimum and maximum allowed cluster size
depend on disk size and file system.
-l, -label <label> - Specifies the volume label.
-X, -nc - NTFS only: Enables NTFS compression.
-N, -nni - NTFS only: Disables NTFS indexing service.
-Q, -np <permission> - NTFS only: Sets the permissions for "Everyone"
account. <permission> can be a combination of
the following: F, M, X and/or W.
F (f) - full control
M (m) - modify
X (x) - read & execute
W (w) - write
Use '?' to combine two or more permissions.
Example: -Q x?w
-T, -temp - Automatically creates a folder named "TEMP".
-r, -dir <folders> - Automatically creates up to 10 custom folders.
Use '?' to concatenate multiple folders.
Example: -r aaa?bbb?ccc
creates three folders: aaa, bbb and ccc.
-z, -vsn <volsn> - Specifies the volume serial number.
If not specified, a random serial will be used.
Image File Options
-I, -image <file> - Associates a backing image file for the disk.
<file> specifies the image file name including
the full path.
-L, -nosave - Sets the associated image file as Load Only.
The disk will automatically loads the contents
from the image file, but will not save any
changes of contents to the image file.
-D, -delay - Enables Delay Load mode.
-F, -format <format> - Specifies the file format for saving the image
file. <format> can be one of FLAT, COMPACT or
COMPR. For format COMPR, appends "?<level>" to
specify the image file compression level.
<level> can range from 1 to 9. <level> is
optional, and if not specified default is 1.
-F flat
-F compact
-F compr
-F compr?2
-U, -shutsave - Automatically save the disk contents to the
associated image file before the computer is
shutdown or rebooted.
If -L is not specified, this option is enabled
by default. If you want to disable this option,
use -U=0.
-H, -hibersave - Automatically save the disk contents to the
associated image file before the computer
enters the hibernate state.
-E, -sleepsave - Automatically save the disk contents to the
associated image file before the computer
enters the sleep state.
-K, -timing <intval> - Periodically save the disk contents to the
associated image file at a specified time
interval. <intval> specifies the saving
intervals in minutes.
Other Options
-s, -silent - Executes this command in silent mode. No
interactive prompts and running information.
Errors or warnings are still displayed.
Option '-p' overrides all image file options.
Option '-I' is required for other image file options.
Option '-L' overrides options '-F', '-U', '-H', '-E' and '-K'.
Option '-p' and image file options are not available in Standard Edition.
The following command creates a 128MB SCSI RAM-disk with all default settings:
rxprd.exe add
The following command creates a 4GB Direct-IO RAM-disk formatted with NTFS file
system which specifies 4KB cluster size, "TEMP" folder, and custom folders
"folder 1" and "folder 2":
rxprd.exe add -n 4096 -t dio -f ntfs -c 4KB -T -r "folder 1?folder 2"
The following command creates a 8GB SCSI hybrid-disk with 5GB physical memory
and 3GB physical drive, enabling Invisible Memory (quota: 1GB) and DMM:
rxprd.exe add -n 8192 -i=1024 -m -p "c:\hybrid.hbd?3072"
The following command creates a 8GB SCSI RAM-disk with an image file, loading
at computer startup and saving at shutdown:
rxprd.exe add -n 8192 -I "c:\image file.vdf" -F flat
C:\Program Files\Primo Ramdisk>
y7y007 发表于 2020-1-2 21:31
y7y007 发表于 2020-1-2 21:31
sairen139 发表于 2020-1-2 21:57
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