-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20799 2004-03-02 Gandalf.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 891 9月 13 17:26 ReadME.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 50000723 9月 13 17:20 XPE_GHO.part1.rar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 50000000 9月 13 16:48 XPE_GHO.part2.rar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 50000000 9月 13 16:51 XPE_GHO.part3.rar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 50000000 9月 13 16:54 XPE_GHO.part4.rar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 50000000 9月 13 16:56 XPE_GHO.part5.rar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 50000000 9月 13 16:59 XPE_GHO.part6.rar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34437362 9月 13 17:01 XPE_GHO.part7.rar
下面引用由useronce在 2004/09/13 05:25pm 发表的内容:
修改完毕, 您就可以使用最新的 Winimage 作一个硬盘镜像, 用 Nero 刻成光盘来用啦.
下面引用由fujianabc在 2004/09/13 05:32pm 发表的内容:
下面引用由iceice在 2004/09/14 12:55pm 发表的内容:
下面引用由金雕在 2004/09/14 02:05pm 发表的内容:
这个确实是好东西,死性不改曾经出过一个true image的版本!
下面引用由wuyouman01在 2004/09/15 11:47am 发表的内容:
请问怎么把Windows XP Embedded的ISO里面的文件解出来?
下面引用由人人为我在 2004/09/15 12:31pm 发表的内容:
下面引用由wuyouman01在 2004/09/15 04:18pm 发表的内容:
再修改注册表可以启动Windows XP Embedded吗
下面引用由人人为我在 2004/09/15 12:31pm 发表的内容:
下面引用由狂野无边在 2004/09/15 09:17pm 发表的内容:
下面引用由kashitsuu在 2004/09/15 09:25pm 发表的内容:
下面引用由fuleru在 2004/09/16 08:36am 发表的内容:
XP Embedded ,看起来的确不错。但一直有个问题相问下,M$系统为什么不能在行动的时候做ghost呢?这个在linux下就很容易实现了。。。
下面引用由sunreak在 2004/09/16 11:34am 发表的内容:
useronce 你好,我用上述的方法在硬盘上成功地做成了Windows XP Embedded,可是用 winimage提取C.IMG再用Nero Burning ROM做成启动盘,在虚拟机VMware Workstation测试,显示启动画面后马上蓝屏,请问是什么原因?
XPE202_Liming_v2.zip - 概述
XPE316_Liming_v2.zip - USB 相关
下面引用由wuyouman01在 2004/09/20 12:08pm 发表的内容:
下面引用由useronce在 2004/09/20 05:37pm 发表的内容:
好消息:Good News From Gandalf
- 现在 Mr. hlk94 的这个光盘版的 Windows Embedded 已经可以被修改到任意磁盘分区上了.
- 这就是说, 我们可以把这个近 700 MB 的操作系统放到任意已存在的分区上(无论分区位 ...
下面引用由useronce在 2004/09/21 01:30pm 发表的内容:
Sorry la. 上午忙公司的事去了。
请访问 获取相关信息。 ;-)
下面引用由useronce在 2004/09/21 06:23pm 发表的内容:
Sorry La. 今天公司的事务太多了。。。 。。。
希望大家都来讨论这一系统的使用, 而不是我一人“坐而论道”,
下面引用由goldboy78在 2004/09/21 06:26pm 发表的内容:
②按“1”键选择“Create an ISO-9660/ELTORITO bootable image file.”进入ISO镜像创建菜单。
③按“2”键选择“Set physical drive.”,界面中会显示出电脑中所有的硬盘,编号从“0”开始。比如, 目标区位于第二块硬盘,所以该硬盘的编号应该是“1”,按“1”键选择“\\.\physicaldrive1”后退回至上一级菜单。
④按“3”键选择“Select partition(s)”进入选择分区菜单 。按“1”键选择“BOOTABLE, BIGDOS, 322MB [Not Selected]”,选择后中括号内的“Not Selected”变为“Selected”,然后按“P”键返回上一级菜单。
⑤按“4”键选择“Set image file path”。即存放光盘镜像的位置,存放该镜像的分区至少要有700MB剩余空间,输入路径及文件名,如“G:\xpos.iso”,按回车返回上一级菜单。
⑥按“5”键选择“Advanced Options”。进入高级设置界面,其中必须要设置的项目只有一个:“Specify disk signature”。按“2”键进入该项设置,在这里需要输入一串数字,启动“Target Designeras”,展开“El Torito CD”组件,在其设置项中就有我们需要的那串数字。输入数字后回车退至上一级菜单,该值自动转化为16进制数字。按“P”键退出高级设置菜单。
⑦按“6”键选择“Create Image to package the ISO image”开始创建光盘镜像,此过程需要较长时间,创建完毕后按“Q”键退出。
⑧用Nero Burning ROM或其他刻录软件将制作好的镜像刻到CD-RW盘片上,至此“pre-FBA CD”制作完毕。由于Windows无法识别这个镜像中的文件格式,所以查看光盘时内容空空如也,但322MB的容量可以显示出来。
下面引用由gsblay在 2004/09/21 10:16pm 发表的内容:
请问楼主,我从你的FTP上下载了两个文件,一个是ghost文件,一个是ISO文件。ISO文件用虚拟机vmware运行正常,但ghost文件用ghost8.0恢复到移动硬盘(usb2.0,40G)的第一分区,分区大小800Mb,bios中设为 usb hdd ...
下面引用由goldboy78在 2004/09/21 11:43pm 发表的内容:
下面引用由useronce在 2004/09/22 10:17am 发表的内容:
在我测试的 6 台计算机, 8 个硬盘上, 均为出现你所说的情况.....
你能解决的... ...
下面引用由useronce在 2004/09/21 07:34pm 发表的内容:
说来极其简单: (Hd2iso.exe 在附件里)
下面引用由笨笨狗在 2004/09/22 04:21pm 发表的内容:
下面引用由useronce在 2004/09/23 08:59am 发表的内容:
对对对, 没错.
昨天我用 Microsoft Windows Embedded Studio 做了一个 Windows XP Embedded, 效果和 hlk94 的差不多.
等有时间了, 我做一个新的 WinXPe. ;-)
下面引用由人人为我在 2004/09/23 11:28am 发表的内容:
下面引用由fujianabc在 2004/09/13 05:32pm 发表的内容:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]
下面引用由useronce在 2004/09/23 02:22pm 发表的内容:
Since you want it, Ehn, I can share my own version.
But how about Next Monday? I'm busy these days. ;-(
下面引用由fujianabc在 2004/09/23 01:11pm 发表的内容:
曾进看到过说xp embedded可以从ramdisk上启动,他是利用ntldr在启动时加载硬盘镜像文件(*.sdi)然后启动,在某人的boot.ini中看见过
ramdisk(0)windows="XPE RAM" /fastdetect /rdpath=multi(0)disk(0) ...
下面引用由fujianabc在 2004/09/23 01:11pm 发表的内容:
曾进看到过说xp embedded可以从ramdisk上启动,他是利用ntldr在启动时加载硬盘镜像文件(*.sdi)然后启动,在某人的boot.ini中看见过
ramdisk(0)windows="XPE RAM" /fastdetect /rdpath=multi(0)disk(0) ...
1 - Is there a solution to boot from a usb stick (and load the USB
key as Mass Storage) ?
2 - Is there a documentation to load a sdi file from a usb key into
To the best of my knowledge you cannot boot from a USB external hard drive.
From time to time I do see postings indicating that this is possible if the
motherboard's BIOS supports this option, but I've yet to find a way to do
it. I've worked with a fairly wide variety of current motherboards but I've
been unable to find one that actually permits this capability.
The following is from Western Digital FAQs:
Question: Can I boot my computer using an external (FireWire, USB, Combo)
hard drive?
Answer: Western Digital does not provide technical support for booting your
computer using an external hard drive. BIOS manufacturers who design PC
system BIOS chips have informed Western Digital that it is not currently
possible to boot your computer with an external hard drive.
Here's the response from Symantec Technical Support on this issue
You wanted to know if you could boot from a external USB drive that you have
cloned to using Norton Ghost.
The issue at hand would be whether the drive would be recognized in the boot
sequence of your system. To the best of my knowledge, there is no
motherboard that supports booting from external devices currently. This
really has nothing to do with Norton Ghost.
Using Symantec's Ghost 2003, I routinely clone my internal hard drives
(containing the Windows XP OS) to a USB external hard drive. I can
subsequently clone the external drive back to the internal one and the
internal drive will be bootable, however, as I've previously stated, I've
not been able to boot directly from the external USB drive.
1. Most Bios-es can read any USB device and boot from it.
2. Bios exposes int 13h which boot loader can use for reading rest of data.
3. Boot Loader loads ntldr. using int 13h.
4. ntldr. loads boot.ini
Until this point non of XP parts are loaded and everything loaded try int
So if you place some hold time in multi choice boot.ini, and you are able to
boot to point where ntldr will give you the choice to select os. Then you
can boot from that type of medium.
After this point XPE will start to load and at some point it will try to use
drivers to complete loading.
USB drivers are marked not to be loaded by ntldr., and when transition
occurs XPE will BSOD because it doesn't have drivers for USB, and can't load
them either.
This is like cutting branch that you are sitting on.
There is work around but it is too complicated and it wont work everywhere,
or in every case. So this is not acceptable.
Now you have two choices, well more likely one.
1. Work around I have posted few weeks ago (but like I said it is
practically useless)
2. Make Ramdisk.
You can make SDI file that will contain XPE partition. This file can be
loaded by ntldr. using int 13h in RAM. And then ntldr. will boot from it.
So there are no more problem regarding is this Flash, CD, USB, or Firewire,
or even network.
To do ram boot boot.ini should have:
ramdisk(0)windows="XPE RAM" /fastdetect
/rdpath=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)image.sdi /rdimageoffset=245760
For testing purposes you can boot from any HDD in your device, and when it
start working you can use this sdi for Network, USB, or some custom boot
rdpath path is the ARC path to partition that is holding sdi image. Beware
that when you do boot from USB that this ARC path is not the same as when
you look at it from windows.
rdimageoffset is offset to PART and sdimgr will give this number to you.
You must run FBA on volume with letter C: this is the limitation of RAM disk
You must include in TD Windows RAM Disk Driver.
Use FAT partition in SDI image.
And this is it (how to make sdi image is explained by MS).
You can find some info at:
But custom boot loader is not what you need so read this just for info.
I've an XPE image that runs just fine on the internal hard
> > >drive of a USB enabled device (with the USB HD
> > >connected). If I put the image on the USB hard drive and
> > >tell the BIOS to boot from it, I get the blue screen of
> > >death that tells me something's wrong with the
> > >configuration.
> >
> > Yes this is true.
> >
> > >What do I need to look at in reguards to the configuration
> > >to make it boot from the USB hard drive? Is it even
> > >possible for XPE to do so?
> >
> > Answer: Yes and no.
> >
> > Yes, for it is even posible.
> >
> > No, because it will take you a lot of time to do that,
> > and final results depend on many things.
> >
> > I have done this. You can even find some guide lines I
> > have posted few weeks ago.
> >
> > If you have some RAM memory to spare, you can use SDI
> > file and boot from it using ramdisk.
> >
> > This works perfectly from USB disk wheter it is removable
> > or not.
> >
下面引用由useronce在 2004/09/23 01:04pm 发表的内容:
然后,注销,重新登陆, 你就会看到版本信息了. 决不会有 "Evaluation Copy" 的字样.This is a crack/activated version. ;-)
ramdisk(0)\windows="XPe RAM" /fastdetect /rdpath=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\image.sdi /rdimageoffset=28672
下面引用由digital hero在 2004/09/24 02:35pm 发表的内容:
下面引用由useronce在 2004/09/24 02:59pm 发表的内容:
诸位看看我手里的这个 Windows Embedded Studio SP1 版本。。。 。。。 ;-)
下面引用由useronce在 2004/09/24 08:33pm 发表的内容:
不过, 请注意, 这是一个英文版的, 我只是汉化了它的安装界面. ;-)
Wish you all like it. ;-)
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