*** access some internel variables at a fixed location ***
Address Length Description
========= ======== ==============================================
0000:8208 4 (DWORD) install_partition (the boot partition)
0000:8280 4 (DWORD) boot_drive (the boot drive)
0000:8284 4 (DWORD) pxe_yip (your ip)
0000:8288 4 (DWORD) pxe_sip (server ip)
0000:828C 4 (DWORD) pxe_gip (gateway ip)
0000:8290 8 (QWORD) filesize (file size by last "cat --length=0")
0000:8298 4 (DWORD) saved_mem_upper (extended memory size in KB)
0000:829C 4 (DWORD) saved_partition (current root partition)
0000:82A0 4 (DWORD) saved_drive (current root drive)
0000:82A4 4 (DWORD) no_decompression (no auto gunzip)
0000:82A8 8 (QWORD) part_start (start sector of last partition)
0000:82B0 8 (QWORD) part_length (total sectors of last partition)
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