/nt52 Applies the master boot code that is compatible with NTLDR to SYS,
ALL, or <DriveLetter>. The operating system installed on SYS, ALL, or
<DriveLetter> must be older than Windows Vista.
/nt60 Applies the master boot code that is compatible with BOOTMGR to SYS,
ALL, or <DriveLetter>. The operating system installed on SYS, ALL, or
<DriveLetter> must be Windows Vista or WindowsServer "Longhorn".
SYS Updates the master boot code on the system partition used to boot
ALL Updates the master boot code on all partitions. ALL does not
necessarily update the boot code for each volume. Instead, this
option updates the boot code on volumes that could be used as Windows
boot volumes, which excludes any dynamic volumes that are not
connected with an underlying disk partition. This restriction is
present because boot code must be located at the beginning of a disk
<DriveLetter> Updates the master boot code on the volume associated with this
drive letter. Boot code will not be updated if either 1)
<DriveLetter> is not associated with a volume or 2) <DriveLetter> is
associated with a volume not connected to an underlying disk
/force Forcibly dismounts the volume(s) during the boot code update. You
should use this option with caution.
If Bootsect.exe cannot gain exclusive volume access then the file
system may overwrite the boot code before the next reboot.
Bootsect.exe always attempts to lock and dismount the volume before
each update. When /force is specified, a forced dismount is attempted
if the initial lock attempt fails. A lock can fail, for example, if
files on the target volume are currently opened by other programs.
When successful, a forced dismount allows exclusive volume access and
a reliable boot code update even though the initial lock failed. At
the same time, a forced dismount invalidates all open handles to files
on the target volume. This could result in unexpected behavior from
the programs that opened these files. Therefore, you should use this
option with caution.
To apply the master boot code that is compatible with NTLDR to the volume
labeled E:, use the following command:
bootsect /nt52 E:作者: 阿非 时间: 2007-5-24 19:30
nt52为写入2000,XP.2003等老的NT引导,启动后引导 ntldr
格式为 bootsect /nt52 X:,X为你要写入NT引导的在WINDOWS 下的盘符。
nt60为写入VISTA引导,启动后引导 bootmgr,格式为
bootsect /nt60 X:,X为你要写入NT引导的在WINDOWS 下的盘符。